Sponges' Role in Ecosystem

The mystery of how coral reefs thrive in "ocean deserts" has been solved, scientists say in "Sponges help coral reefs thrive in ocean deserts". You can also download a pdf of this on-line article. Read more about sponges on Caribbean reefs: Sponges play a key role in the cycling of carbon and nitrogen on coral reefs .

Sponges have always been an important component of Caribbean coral reef communities, but they have become increasingly dominant as reef-building corals have declined because of stressors associated with climate change, disease, and pollution.

Giant barrel sponges play an important role in coral reef ecosystems because they filter large quantity of water and provide habitat for other organisms. Read how sponges are taking over some coral reefs in the Caribbean: Giant barrel sponges are hijacking Florida’s coral reefs. Read about this change on reefs.

Sponge poop plays a key role in tropical reef ecosystems. Read more in the article: "Sponge feces as the driving force behind tropical coral reefs.”

Sponges harbor a large community of bacteria. These bacteria capture phosphorus, a key nutrient, in the water and turn it into a form that is available for the coral reef community. Read about how the bacteria in sponges contribute to the reef community.

Deep Sea

Read about deep sea sponges role they play in deep sea ecosystems.

Sponges in the Ross Sea in the Antarctic play a key role in the ecosystem. Read the article here.

Researchers think that sponges helped oxygenate the deep ocean: This story is about “the first animals bootstrapping the environment into one where more complex animals could evolve.”

General Info

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    Book with pencil

Role in Ecosystem

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    Bee with arrows around it


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    Thermometer and waves

Human Interaction

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    Human next to globe


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    Skull of dinosaur
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    Lesson Plan
    What Is An Animal
    In this lesson students discuss the definition of an animal. What characteristics do all animals have in common? To introduce the subject the teacher gives a brief discussion of the five kingdoms (see reference below). What evidence is needed to decide that an organism is an animal? Students watch the video Sponges: Origins and reconsider the definition of an animal.

    Full Lesson Plan