Pink and black flatworm


Flatworm Videos


  • Flatworms: The First Hunter


  • Flatworm Animation: Reproduction
  • Flatworm Animation: Body Plan
  • Flatworm Animation: Tapeworm


  • Flatworms: Reproduction
  • Flatworms: An Invasive Flatworm Hunts Earthworms

General Info

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    Book with pencil

Role in Ecosystem

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    Bee with arrows around it


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    Thermometer and waves

Human Interaction

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    Human next to globe


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    Skull of dinosaur
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    Red orange and pink flatworm
    Lesson Plan
    Flatworms: The First Hunter Questions
    There are three separate lessons here based on questions.A list of questions about the characteristics of flatworms to use after viewing the video Flatworms: The First Hunter.A Shape of Life: The First Hunter worksheet. Students make sketches and write short answers to questions about the amazing world of flatworms. This was created by Rachel Miller from Science from Scratch.A Powerpoint with questions to use while watching the video Flatworms: The First Hunter. 

    Full Lesson Plan

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    Red orange and pink flatworm
    Flatworms: An Ancient Body Plan
    Around 20,000 flatworm species today have the same basic body plan that appeared roughly 500 million years ago.

    Download Factsheet

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    Black and yellow flatworm
    Flatworms: Getting Ahead, An Explosion of Life
    When you collect marine animals, there are certain flatworms so delicate that they are almost impossible to capture whole, for they break and tatter under the touch. You must let them ooze and crawl of their own will onto a knife blade and then lift them gently into your bottle of seawater.

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