Paleontology of Flatworms

Researchers say tiny marine worms called acoels may be one of the closest living representatives of the first bilaterally symmetrical organisms. Using DNA analyses, the team concluded not only that the acoels don't belong with other flatworms, but that they alone represent a living relic of the transition between radially symmetrical animals such as jellyfish and more complex bilateral organisms such as flatworms. From a Flatworm, New Clues on Animal Origins.

Scientists found fossil tracks of the earliest bilateral animal from at least 585 million years ago. The tracks they found indicated a front and back as well as a top and bottom. Fossil of Early Bilateral Animal.

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside discovered a bilateral worm-like fossil from before the Cambrian Explosion. This suggests that a bilateral body plan may have evolved earlier than previously thought.

General Info

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    Book with pencil

Role in Ecosystem

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    Bee with arrows around it


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    Thermometer and waves

Human Interaction

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    Human next to globe


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    Skull of dinosaur
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    Lesson Plan
    Who Was "Hunter Eve?"
    The paleontological evidence of the first animal to hunt is tiny trails that have been fossilized in rocks. To start this lesson, students will consider the tracks and traces left by modern animals and what they can learn about an animal from its tracks. They then think about which animal might have been the first hunter. The class considers what it takes to be a hunter and what kind of evidence can we use to figure out what was the first hunter. Students write their ideas in their science notebooks and the teacher shares the ideas with the entire class.

    Full Lesson Plan